How to recall an email, and when it will and won't work.

It is possible with MS Outlook to recall an email that you have sent, when you realise afterwards that there was an error of some kind.

However, it should be noted that recalling an email will only work in some very specific circumstances, and so you still need to take other actions.

How to recall an email

In Outlook, go to your sent items folder

Double click the email in question to open it.

From the Actions menu item, choose Recall this message

You will be presented the following options

You can either delete the message from the mailboxes of those who haven't read it, or you can replace it, with a new (corrected) message.

If you leave the tick in place, you will be told when this works successfully, however you get an email from each person, so you may not want this if you have sent it to a lot of people.

It is important to note that it will only delete messages from INTERNAL Cranstoun emails, for external emails, the recipient will see you have requested a recall, but it will not replace or delete the original message. For anyone that has read the message already, it will again only tell them you want to recall it, it will not automatically remove/replace the message.

So in some circumstances you will still need to contact those people manually and ask them to delete the original email.

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07/11/2022 15:12:31
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